Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Interior Paint (Part 3)

I let the paint dry overnight on the Sub Panel (according to the SEM website, it takes 24 hours for the paint to fully cure).  Yesterday, I removed the paper and tape to see how my paint job turned out.  I have to say, I think it turned out pretty damn good.  There are a few areas that I will need to touch up, but all-in-all....very happy with the results.

Here is the view looking forward from the cockpit.....

.....the pilot left side.....

.....and far left side.  As I mentioned in the previous post, the Forward Top Skin will cover the areas forward of the Sub Panel and overlap where I have the paint strip on the upper flange.

Here is the copilot right side.....

.....and the far right side.  Again, the areas forward of the Sub Panel will be covered by the Forward Top Skin and be out of sight.

Pretty pleased with the results and the SEM paint.  Now, I will move on to painting the baggage area.