Sunday, December 31, 2017

Wings, Rear Spar (Part 2)

I took a Christmas break to study the plans and Service Bulletin 16-03-28 to determine my next steps in the building process.  Now that I understand what to do.....let’s do it!

Essentially, the assembly instructions (and parts) in the SB are to be substituted for the instructions in the plans (as they are currently written NOW).

The plans say that the manfacturing process leaves the W-1013 Aileron Hinge Bracket Spacers slightly warped or bowed and have to be straightened.  My pieces were very slightly bowed, so I followed the directions and used firm hand pressure on the pieces while they were clamped in a bench vice.  This process worked out fine and they are now pretty straight.  The Spacers are shown below after being straightened as described above.  The two Spacers on the right are for the Inboard Aileron Hinge (supplied in SB 16-03-28) and the two on the left are for the Outboard Aileron Hinge (supplied with the normal kit). 

The next step was to prepare the the Aileron Attach Doublers.  It came in one long piece and had to be divided into four individual pieces as described in the excerpt of the Service Bulletin below.  I used my band saw to separate the four parts.  These pieces will be attached on the forward side of the Rear Spar opposite the Aileron Hinge Brackets.  

According to the SB, RV-14’s now skip to Step #20.  Below is the figure associated with Step #20.  The W-1013FG Aileron Angle Bracket also has to be separated into four pieces as shown below. The angle is separated at the three holes that are offset from the flange holes.  There is a note that specifically describes the edge distance of two holes and their orientation in the assembly.

This is the raw piece of angle supplied with the SB.

You can see the offset holes described above and the blue perpendicular cut lines I have drawn using a square.  The instructions say to cut perpendicular to the part and trim away any material the width of the holes across the entire part.

After cutting the pieces with my band saw, you can see where the offset holes were “cut in half” and will need to be filed and/or grinded smooth. 

Here are the four finished pieces.  I used a combination of a 6” Scotch-Brite wheel on a bend grinder, a fine hand file, and 220 grit sand paper.  Once the pieces are all clecoed together with the Aileron Hinge Bracket, I can fine tune any edges that might need a little more sanding.

With the exception of some minor edge work, all the pieces that make up the Aileron Hinge Brackets have been prepared.  Now, all the pieces are clecoed together.....keeping in mind the specific holes mentioned above requiring the appropriate edge distance.

Below are the two Inboard Aileron Hinge Brackets clecoed together.  Like I said, a few of the pieces will need some additional edge work and two of the braces will need to be trimmed according to the excerpt above.  After that, the pieces can be primed and riveted together.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Wings, Rear Spar (Part 1)

The plans recommend that prior to assembling the Aileron Hinge Brackets, to refer to pages 15-01 and 16-01 to become familiar with the Brackets’ orientation as installed on the aircraft.  Page 15-01 is shown above and page 16-01 is shown below.  The two Aileron Hinge Brackets are circled in both pictures. 

These are several Brackets that came in the kit.  At this point, I am only using the two on the top left.  The blue protective plastic has been removed and I used a blue sharpie to write on the part number. 

These are the parts from the Service Bulletin (SB-16-03-28).  I need to do some research to verify what needs to be done here, but I suspect the parts from the Service Bulletin will be used during this section of the build.  The parts were accompanied by the documentation and assembly instructions.  I’ll have to read the information contained in the packet and see where to go from here. 

Since I am ending tonight’s session to research the Service Bulletin, I decided to cleco the Rear Spar onto the Wing to see how it fit.  It looks pretty straight forward and fits as usual, all the holes line up.  There are several Rear Spar Doublers that need to be prepared using the Rear Spar, so it will have to come off during the next session.  Like I said, I just wanted to see how it fit.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 18)

Below is the torque value chart from section 5.20 of the builders manual.  The bolts used for the Wing Rib to Main Spar installation are all AN3 and use MS21042-3 Self Locking Nuts.  As described below, you first need to determine the friction drag torque for the bolt/nut combination.  Van’s tests showed an average friction drag torque of 14 in-lbs, but indicated results may vary.  I also had a 14 in-lbs friction drag torque value, so I will use the same as Van’s.  So, for the correct torque value, you take the friction drag torque value (14 in-lbs), the value shown in the chart (28 in-lbs), and add them together for a total torque value of 42 in-lbs.  This bolt/nut combination will get torqued to 42 in-lbs.  In Post #17, you can see an excerpt of where the bolts go and what orientation.

Wing Ribs #14, #13, and #12 do not utilize bolts (only rivets), so they are excluded for the time being.  The plans state to cleco the W-1012-L & -R Outboard Wing Ribs and all W-1011-L & -R Inboard Wing Ribs (except the inboard most W-1011-R) to the Main Spar shown in Step 1 below.  

There is a note to NOT install the nuts and washers on the three most Inboard Wing Ribs (#1, #2, and #3) at this time.  Additionally, in the second part of Step 3, it says “for the three most Inboard Wing Ribs, it will be necessary to push the bolt out of the way to set the rivets”.  What rivets?  It never specifically says in the plans, but it’s the small AN426AD3-3.5 rivets installed in the forward most hole in the forward tabs of the seven W-1011-L & -R Inboard Wing Ribs (Ribs #2 through #8).

The excerpt from above also shows the locations and size of rivets to install for the Wing Ribs and Main Spar.  Most of today’s session was devoted to installing these rivets and I used the weapons below.....

Because of how the Wing Ribs are made , you are not able to get a straight shot on the manufactured head of the rivet.  So, that is the reason I used the Offset Cup Set.  I really don’t like using this rivet because it takes a few more hits to set the rivet.....because it’s offset.  I personally also find it difficult to ensure the Set is square to the rivet head.  I have to admit, I have a few “smiles”.  I normally use my Sioux 2X rivet gun, but because all the rivets used are #4, I used my buddies 3X gun.  The tungsten bucking bars are awesome!  Get yourself one....or won’t regret the purchase. 

There are 72 rivets that attach Wing Ribs #1 through #13 to the Main Spar Assembly.  (Wing Rib #14 is only clecoed at this point and will be riveted later along with one of the Leading Edge Ribs).  The vertical rows of rivets are the shop head for Wing Ribs #13, #12, and #11. 

Here is where I deviated from the plans just slightly to complete Wing Ribs #1 through #4.  Because they are so close together (wing walk area), it is difficult to get the rivet gun in between them.  So, I removed Ribs #1 through #3 and riveted Rib #4.  Then, clecoed Rib #3 and riveted, then #2, and then #1.  This gave me plenty of room for the rivet gun and kept the Ribs out of the way.

Additionally, I previously did not rivet the Torque Tube Support Bracket Assembly to the most Inboard Wing Rib.  If you follow this step in the plans and rivet the Assembly to the Wing Rib, you will not be able to get your rivet gun on the manufactured heads of the rivets from the Rib to Spar.  So, I riveted Rib #1 to the Main Spar FIRST and then riveted the Assembly to the Rib.  

The picture below shows the #1 Wing Rib riveted to the Main Spar and the Torque Tube Assembly riveted to the Wing Rib.  You may notice that one of the rivets from the Assembly to the Rib #1 doesn’t look like the others.  Ideally, you want the manufactured head of the rivet on the thinnest of the two pieces of aluminum.  Again, because Ribs #1 through #4 are close together, you can’t get a rivet gun in there.  

I used my pneumatic squeezer to set the very top and three middle rivets (pictured above and below), my had squeezer to set the very bottom rivet (pictured below.....assembly was flipped upside down), and the rivet gun/bucking bar to set the rivet in the opposite direction.  Because of the Flange Bearing, I couldn’t get either squeezer on that rivet and had no choice but to set it the opposite way.

Anyway, Section 14 is now complete.  Section 15 will be the Rear Spar and I will start there next time.  

Friday, December 15, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 17)

I started tonight by riveting the Inboard and Outboard Flap Hinge Assembly’s together.  Each assembly is made up of an Inboard Wing Rib, Flap Hinge Bracket, and Flap Hinge Rib.    

AN470AD4-7 universal rivets were used on each assembly (16 rivets per side) as shown in the two pictures below.  After the Ribs were clecoed to the Main Spar, it was held reasonably steady.  So, I used the rivet gun and bucking bar to set all 32 rivets.  I was able to do it solo, but did make a few “smiles”.....a result of me trying to go to fast. 

Not anything to really show, but I also started installing the bolts/washers/nuts attaching the Wing Ribs to the Main Spar.  In order to keep everything clear in my mind, I have numbered each of the Wing Ribs from 1 - 14 (inboard to outboard).  Seems like a simple thing to do, but it has definitely helped me keep the Ribs easily identifiable and in the right place.  You can see in the plans excerpt below, I have also numbered the Ribs in pencil on the drawing.  As far as installing the bolts, the plans look a little busy and were a little hard to follow at first glance.  However, just like anything else I guess, once you get it, you get it.  The last three Ribs (#12, #13, and #14) do not have any bolts and will only use rivets for their installation.  

The instructions were very clear that the bolts MUST be installed oriented exacelty as shown below.  So, I paid particular close attention while installing them.  I will torque them appropriately tomorrow according to the values in the table from Section 5.20.

Only a few steps left to finish Section 14.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to complete this section tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 16)

Not much progress today, but progress nonetheless!  I clecoed all the Wing Ribs to the Left Main Spar, except numbers #3, #8, and #1.  For Ribs #3 (W-1011-R) and #8 (W-1011-L), I need to complete the riveting of the Flap Hinge Bracket and Flap Hinge Rib to the Rib.  The plans have you hold off on installing Rib #1 (W-1010-R) for the time being.  So, at the moment, 11 Wing Ribs are clecoed to the Left Main Spar.  

According to the plans, the next step is to rivet and bolt the Wing Ribs to the Main Spar.  

Monday, December 11, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 15)

As described in yesterday’s post, 23 parts/pieces were Akzo primed and allowed to dry overnight.  I started tonight by numbering each of the Wing Ribs as I took them off the “clothesline” (you can see Ribs #1 and #2 marked below).  I also installed the 29 plastic Snap Bushings.

Next, I assembled and riveted the Torque Tube Support Bracket Assembly together.  Here are the five pieces that make up the assembly. 

Here is the assembly after being riveted together.  This is the manufactured head side.....

And the shop head side.

More tomorrow.....

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 14)

Today’s session was all about priming.  

I Akzo primed all 14 Left Wing Ribs, the five pieces of the Torque Tube Support Subassembly, two Flap Hinge Brackets, and the two Flap Hinge Ribs.   I will let them all completely dry overnight and start riveting pieces together tomorrow. 

Here’s all the pieces after priming.....

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 13)

Today, I will concentrate on corrosion protection for the Wing Ribs.  To started, I completed the last little bit of fluting, but all of the remaining metal work has been completed.  The last step is to treat the Ribs with Alumiprep 33, Alodine 1201, and Akzo Epoxy Primer.  The easiest way, I have found, is to dip the parts in the chemicals (verses scrubbing with Scotoch-Brite for the Alumiprep and brushing on the Alodine with a foam brush).  I did have to get three larger containers due to the length of the Ribs.  Below, I have the three bins set up with the appropriate chemicals and rinse.

Alodine 1201               Distilled Water              Alumiprep 33

In the bins above, you can see Rib #1 already in the Alumiprep.....let those little guys eat!!!!!  Anyhow, my process is:

Alumiprep.....4 minutes (flip halfway through)
Alodine.....3 minutes (flip halfway through)
Hang up to dry

Now that the process is set up and ready, here is the pile of parts that need to be corrosion treated.

As previously stated in the build plans, it is important for the Wing Ribs to be re-installed on the Main Spar as they were during the final and match-drilling process.  Because of this, I previously numbered the Ribs from 1 to 14 (inboard to outboard).  I set up the drying rack numbered the same way marked with the orange tape.....Rib 1 on the left (already hanging up) and Rib 14 on the right.

Here are all the Wing Ribs and associates parts after being corrosion treated.  The only step left is to prime them with the Akzo Epoxy Primer (tomorrow).

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 12)

I’ve put in a couple of small work sessions over the past few days, but didn’t enter anything on the site.  I will catch everything up on this post.

In Part 11, all the Ribs were clecoed to the Left Main Spar and the appropriate holes were final-drilled or match-drilled #12, #30, or #40 according to the plans.  All those holes were then deburred.  After that was complete, I marked all 14 Ribs to make sure they are installed in the same location later in the final assembly.  

Also during Part 11, the Flap Hinge Brackets, Flap Hinge Ribs, and Inboard Wing Ribs were match drilled #30.  All of these holes were deburred and the edges of the thick Flap Hinge Brackets were cleaned an prepared.  

That catches up on the couple of small sessions and the site is now up to date.  

So, moving on to today’s work.  In the excerpt below, you can see all the Snap Bushings that need to be installed in the Wing Ribs.....29 in total.

There are three sizes of Snap Bushings installed in the Left Wing during this portion of the build:
SB375-4.....holes step drilled to 3/8
SB500-6.....holes step drilled to 1/2
SB437-4.....holes step drilled to 7/16

Eight of the Ribs had to have an additional hole drilled in the web of the Rib according to the except below.  The Upper Aft Systems Hole needed to be drilled according to the measurements shown below.  Additionally, the Ground Lug Hole had to be enlarged to #19 on the W-1010-R Inboard Wing Rib.

This brings me to a point to start final assembling parts and pieces.  However, prior to doing that, I need to treat everything with Alumiprep, Alodine, and Akzo Epoxy Primer.  I will start that process tomorrow.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 11)

I started today’s session by making sure the four W-1025A Flap Hinge Brackets were straight and flat.  They come in a package of four and all four needed slight adjustments.  Section 5.13.1 of the plans discusses how to straighten thick aluminum parts.....I followed the WHANG method!

Here is one of the Flap Hinge Brackets.

The W-1025B-R / W-1025B-L Flap Hinge Ribs and W-1025A Flap Hinge Brackets were clecoed to the W-1011-L / W-1011-R Inboard Wing Ribs.  Now, the 14 common #30 holes are match-drilled and the two alignment holes are final-drilled #30.  (The two below are for the Left Wing and the process will be repeated for the Right Wing).  

The aft Flange (but not the radius of the Flange) had to be removed from one of the W-1012-R Outboard Wing Ribs as shown in the excerpt below.

I used my Dremel tool to cut off the Flange just below the holes and used a fine file and 220 grit sandpaper to make the final a shape.  Here is the result.

Next is to remove all the bolts, nuts, and washers from the Left Main Spar Assembly and set them aside for later use.  There were 11 bolts on the Upper Flange (top row) and 11 bolts in the Lower Flange (bottom row).

After removing all the bolts, the W-1010-R Inboard Wing Rib, W-1011-L & -R Inboard Wing Ribs, and W-1012-L & -R Outboard Wing Ribs were clecoed to the Left Main Spar Assembly.  The picture below shows all 14 Ribs clecoed to the Left Main Spar.  According to the plans, a whole lot of drilling is about to happen.  

#12:  Upper and Lower holes of the Rib Flanges that will use bolts/nuts to attach to the Main Spar Assembly

#30:  All remaining common attach holes in the Forward Flange of the Ribs and Web of the Main Spar Assembly

#40:  All common attach holes in the Upper and Lower Rib Tabs and Flanges of the Main Spar Assembly

****Then, of course, everything will be disassembled and you have to debur all the freshly drilled holes****

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 10)

Now that all the Wing Ribs have been prepared, I moved on to the next step in the plans.  

The Torque Tube Support Brackets, W-1029C-L Angle, W-1029D-L Spacer, and the VA-146 Flange Bearing were all clecoed together (as shown in the pictures below) and all the common #30 holes were final-drilled.

Left Wing Torque Tube Assembly.

Right Wing Torque Tube Assembly.

The next step is to file (I used 220 grit sandpaper) a radius on the upper and lower edges of both Torque Tube Support Brackets.  Because the bracket edges are “square” and the bend in the Wing Rib from the Web to the Flange is “curved”, the pieces don’t exactly fit.  For a better fit, the “square” portion needs to be “rounded” or radiused.

This is the “square” edge of the Bracket as if came from Van’s.

This is the “rounded” or radiused edge of the Bracket after sanding.  I sanded a little bit, checked the fit, sanded a little more, checked the fit, etc until I liked the nesting of the parts.  The parts fit together much better.

Here is the Torque Tube Assembly attached to the W-1010 Inboard Wing Rib (looking aft).

The holes with the copper #30 clecos had to be final-drilled from the W-1029C-L Angle to the Inboard Wing Rib.

I used the same process and completed the same steps for the Right Wing Torque Tube Assembly.