Saturday, December 9, 2017

Wings, Wing Ribs (Part 13)

Today, I will concentrate on corrosion protection for the Wing Ribs.  To started, I completed the last little bit of fluting, but all of the remaining metal work has been completed.  The last step is to treat the Ribs with Alumiprep 33, Alodine 1201, and Akzo Epoxy Primer.  The easiest way, I have found, is to dip the parts in the chemicals (verses scrubbing with Scotoch-Brite for the Alumiprep and brushing on the Alodine with a foam brush).  I did have to get three larger containers due to the length of the Ribs.  Below, I have the three bins set up with the appropriate chemicals and rinse.

Alodine 1201               Distilled Water              Alumiprep 33

In the bins above, you can see Rib #1 already in the Alumiprep.....let those little guys eat!!!!!  Anyhow, my process is:

Alumiprep.....4 minutes (flip halfway through)
Alodine.....3 minutes (flip halfway through)
Hang up to dry

Now that the process is set up and ready, here is the pile of parts that need to be corrosion treated.

As previously stated in the build plans, it is important for the Wing Ribs to be re-installed on the Main Spar as they were during the final and match-drilling process.  Because of this, I previously numbered the Ribs from 1 to 14 (inboard to outboard).  I set up the drying rack numbered the same way marked with the orange tape.....Rib 1 on the left (already hanging up) and Rib 14 on the right.

Here are all the Wing Ribs and associates parts after being corrosion treated.  The only step left is to prime them with the Akzo Epoxy Primer (tomorrow).