Thursday, August 31, 2017

Empennage, Aft Fuselage (Part 30) the replacement parts, of the replacement parts, today.  I ordered new Side Skins and since they are about 8' long, the shipping crate had to be pretty long and was required to shipped by freight.  FedEx Freight jacked up the first replacement parts shipment and the second replacement parts shipment was handled by Old Dominion.    

GUESS of the Skins was damaged!  The crate had damage to the top, but maintained its integrity.  The damage was a result of the Old Dominion employee standing the crate straight up (on its end) and using a two-wheeler to move the crate.  All the contents shifted to the low side and Skin was slightly bent.  In the picture below, the Skin should be flat against the 2x4.  The bend is very slight and I was able to straighten it with no problem.  I "guess" I was lucky??

Anyway, due to the frequency of my damaged freight shipments (3 for 3), I will be adding a "DAMAGED SHIPMENT" tracker and resulting delay as a result to the menu tab to the right.

Deep breath....moving on.....I prepared the F-01473-L Side Skin during my work session tonight.  I began by using 120 and 220 grit sandpaper to complete the edge work.  Then, all the #40 holes and designated #30 holes were dimpled.  (NOTE: last time I went to town and dimpled most of the holes, including the #27 holes.  This action resulted in me ordering the new parts).

The -L Side Skin work is complete and it's now ready for Alumiprep, Alodine, and Priming.

I will complete the work on the -R Side Skin tomorrow afternoon/evening.