Friday, January 25, 2019

Wings, Flaps (Part 17)

With the Left Flap complete, guess what I did....moved on to the Right Flap.

Minus the Skins and the “V-Channel”, here are all the parts that will make up the Right Flap.  This process is a mirror image of the Left, so it should go fairly quickly.....I hope!  Most of these parts were already prepared when I competed the Left Flap, so again, this assembly should go a little faster.

The first step in today’s session was to cleco the Nose Ribs, Main Ribs, Modified Main Rib, Rod End Rib, and Hinge Pair subassemblies to the Spar.  All of that was completed and here are two pictures of what it looks like.

The next step was to prepare the Trailing Edge.  Here is the excerpt from the plans describing how.

Here is what my completed “junction” of the two Trailing Edges looks like.  

I trimmed the outboard edge, but left a little extra until later.  After all the double flush rivets are set in the Trailing Edge, I will sand this area to match the Top and Bottom Skins.....just like I did for the Left Flap.

I trimmed the inboard edge in the same fashion and will finish it when I finish the outboard edge.

Here are ALL the pieces clecoed to together.  The order of assembly was:

1.  FL-00002B Bottom Skin 
2.  FL-00002A Top Skin
3.  FL-00001-R Nose Skin
4.  FL-00008A-R Inboard Trailing Edge (long “V-Channel”)
5.  FL-00008B-R Outboard Trailing Edge (shoe “V-Channel”)

Here is view of the Top Skin.....

.....and the Bottom Skin.

During the next session, there will be some match-drilling, final-drilling, and countersinking.