I wasn’t able to publish this post prior to midnight, so this work session was actually completed on Saturday, October 28, 2017.
I primed the Rear Spar and Rear Spar Doubler on Friday night and let it dry overnight. To complete the new Spar on Saturday, I riveted the Rear Spar, Spar Doubler and Hinge Brackets using the hardware called out in the plans. The three pictures below show the completed Vertical Stabilizer with the newly completed Spar Assembly.....minus the errant hole!!!!!
I did make one change from the “first Spar” to the “second Spar”. The build plans call for AN426AD3-3.5 rivets to be used to attach the Skin and the Rear Spar (which is what I used on the first Spar). However, I used AN426AD3-4 rivets on the second Spar. I used a rivet guage and measured both rivets. The AD3-3.5 rivets measured just a little short and the AD3-4 measure just a little long. I set one of the AD3-4 rivets and liked the result much better than the shorter ones. So, I used them on the rest of the assembly. Very pleased with the outcome.
Section Complete (Take Two)