Another short session today, but like I said in my previous post.....I’m still making forward progress. The next step in the plans is to dimple the Outboard Leading Edge Skins. I started the process today on the Right Outboard Leading Edge Skin. I still have to complete the dimpling process for the whole Skin, but I started by dimpling the holes I could reach with my pneumatic squeezer and a 3” yoke (I will do the same thing on the Left Outboard Skin). I was able to get all the holes near the edge of the Skins and a few on the Rib seams. I will use the DRDT-2 for the remainer of the holes, as the pneumatic squeezer won’t reach them.
Here is just a few shots of each end of the Right Skin and an example of some of the holes I was able to squeeze.