Monday, April 2, 2018

Wings, Outboard Leading Edge (Part 4)

Tonight, I started by dimpling the nutplate attach holes on the Splice Rib....then, Final-Drilling #19 the screw attach hole.

Next, the Leading Edge J-Stiffeners had to be fabricated as described in the plans excerpt below.

Now, the next step was a little more....delicate!  As pictured below, the Splice Strip had to be removed from the Left and Right Fuel Tank Skins.  Now, this doesn’t look like a very difficult job, and it isn’t.  However, it was a little nerve racking cutting it lose from the Fuel Tank Skins.  I used my Dremel Tool with a cutoff disk.....which worked very well.  In the end, everything was fine.....

This is the figure from the plans discussing this step.....

.....the actual Left Tank Skin with the Splice Strip attached.....

.....and the Splice Strip removed.  The same process was repeated for the Splice Strip on the Right Wing.