Thursday, October 15, 2020

Wings, Wing Tip (Part 13)

With the steps completed in Part 12, it’s now time for the final fitting of the Insert into the Wing Tip Fairing.  There are a couple of things I wanted to make sure to accomplish during the final fitting of the Insert:

1. The Insert is equal distance at the forward and aft ends of the nav light “plate” (top and bottom) to the Wing Skin to make sure it’s square to the Wing 
2.  The Insert needed to be at a 90° angle to the Wing Spar (so it’s pointing straight)

So, here is how I accomplished #1.  As the picture below shows, the yellow line is the measurement I wanted to be equal across the top of the nav light mounting “plate”.

The measurement I settled with was 4” and aligned with the 28 mark on top of the ruler (I guess also 56 on the bottom).  The next few pictures shows the measurement taken near the middle of the Insert and working forward along the Wing.

It was kinda difficult to get any pictures from the bottom side of the Wing, but that measurement came in at, pretty damn close.  I’m gonna leave it along before I mess it up.  

Now, to get the Insert 90° degrees to the Wing Spar.  To do this, I used a digital level, set it along the Wing Spar and zeroed it as shown below.

Then, moved the level to the nav light mounting “plate” to get a reading.  After some manipulating (and ensuring to maintain the previous measurements), I achieved the 90° degrees I was looking for.

As the correct alignment and measurements were achieved, I drilled pilot holes and inserted clecos to keep everything in place.

Now, a couple of things still need to be done and I’m debating how I want to do them.  First, the hole I already cut out for the AeroSun VX landing light still needs to be enlarged to accept the actual light itself.  So, I’m thinking I will remove the Insert to complete that step in the instructions (probably easier to handle from both sides of the hole).    Secondly, we need to install the mounting plate for the navigation/strobe light.  I think I will also complete this step with the Insert removed from the Fairing (since I just ensured the Insert mounting “plate” is 90° to the Spar and square to the Wing).

Here is what I’m going to use.....West System 105 epoxy resin and 206 slow hardener (forget about the milled fibers for now).  Now, I will admit, I am brand new to fiberglass work and really have no idea what I’m doing.  So, I need to do some additional research and seek additional guidance prior to doing any of this, so.......

more to follow!