Friday, March 30, 2018

Wings, Outboard Leading Edge (Part 3)

I started today’s session by double checking the measurements I made last night on the Outboard Leading Edge Ribs.  After confirming they were correct, I removed the material in the appropriate areas as shown below using my Dremel Tool with a cutoff wheel.  This process was rather quick and work pretty well.

Here are the W-1009-1R/L.....

.....and the W-1009-2R/L.

Next was the enjoyable process of deburring all the holes and edges of the Ribs.....DONE!

Lastly for today’s session, the #40 holes in the Flanges of all the Outboard Leading Edge Ribs were dimpled using my pneumatic squeezer with the Cleaveland Aircraft Tool Substructrue Dimple Dies.