Sunday, April 23, 2017

Empennage, Horizontal Stabilizer (Part 9)

Covered ALOT of ground today.  I primed the Front Spar, Spar Doubler, and Spar Caps that were prepared yesterday.  As usual, I used Akzo Epoxy Primer and the Preval Spray System to apply it to the parts.  The Preval Spray System does not apply the primer as nicely as an HVLP spray gun would.....and isn't expected to.  However, for the purpose of applying the primer to internal parts, it works great.  

After the primer dried, I started riveting the Front Spar, Front Spar Doubler, and Front Spar caps using a combination of AN426AD4-6, AN426AD4-7, AN470AD4-5, AN470AD4-6, and AN470AD4-7 rivets.  I used the pneumatic squeezer to install all the rivets listed above.  There were a total of 18 AN426AD3-4.5 rivets that were installed in the Front Spar flanges through the Spar Caps.  I used the Tatco hand squeezer to set those rivets because I had a little more control with the smaller rivets.  Here is a picture of the back side of the Spar assembly after all the rivets are installed. 
Below is the opposite side of the Front Spar assembly.  As the plans stated, you can see the holes that were taped over to prevent me from accidentally riveting them.

Yesterday, I had to modify two of the HS-1004 Inboard Inspar Ribs by using a hand seamer to bend the aft flange of the Rib open by 10 degrees and forward flange closed by 12.5 degrees.  Two of the HS-905 Nose Rib aft flanges also need to be modified with a outward 10 degree bend by the hand seamer.  The modified Nose and Inspar Ribs were clecoed to the Front Spar and need a couple of holes Match-Drilled.  They also needed a few holes marked to prevent accidental dimpling.  Finally, all the #40 holes on all the Nose Ribs, Inspar Ribs, and Inboard Inspar Ribs flanges were dimpled with Substructure Dimple Dies and the pneumatic squeezer.

After all the Ribs were prepared, I moved on in the plans to the Horizontal Stabilizer Skins.  As with all the other parts in the kit, I had to remove the plastic protective film installed from the factory.  The film has been rather easy for me to remove; however, I've heard horror stories about the difficulties other builder's have experienced (mostly after its been on the piece for an extended period of time prior to removal).
I deburred both of the Skins edges and marked several holes that will not get dimpled.  Those holes will be prepared later in the build and correspond to the screw holes for the Empennage and Tip Fairings.  Next up.....dimpling ALL the holes in the two Horizontal Stabilizer Skins.