Sunday, May 28, 2017

Empennage, Elevator (Part 10)

I finished riveting the Trim Tab Horns, Trim Tab Spar, and Trim Tab Bottom Skin using the AN426AD3-3.5 rivets called for in the plans.  I cleaned the areas I prepped yesterday with isopropyl alcohol and applied the tank sealant.  In the picture below, the tank sealant was applied in the silver vertical areas.  I used an acid brush (pictured below) to apply the sealant onto the Skins.  Surprisingly, the brush worked pretty well and didn't make a huge mess.  Just like on the Rudder Trailing Edge Wedge, I used the 3M F9460PC Adhesive Transfer Tape in the horizontal areas to attach the Trailing Edge.  
Here is the Trim Tab clecoed together.  The three Ribs are already installed and the Trim Tab Hinge and the Closeout Tabs are clecoed together.  
Next, I riveted the Trim Tab Top Skin, Trim Tab Spar, and the aft half of the Trim Tab Hinge (pictured below) together using AN426AD3-4 flush rivets.  
The plans have you flip the Trim Tab upside down and lay it on a flat work table with the clecos securing the Trailing Edge hanging over the edge of the table.  Next, the directions say to place a weighted board on the Trim Tab Bottom Skin to ensure contact between the Skins and the Trim Tab Ribs.  So, I placed a 2x6 on the Skins and added several bucking bars for weight.  It will now sit for a few days to allow the tank sealant to cure.