Friday, May 26, 2017

Empennage, Elevator (Part 8)

I spent this session correcting some things that I didn't like and things that.....well, were terrible and unacceptable!

1st:  The very first E-00907-1R Rear Spar (that came with the original empennage kit) turned out quit good......UNTIL.  I was dimpling all the #40 holes on the flanges to accept the dimples from the Skins that will eventlually attach to it.  About 10 holes short of being finished......I did this:

I spoke with several people about how to "fix" it, but decided I didn't want to "fix", I ordered a new Elevator Rear Spar.  When the new Rear Spar arrived, I diligently started working on it.  During the process, I ended up trimming off to much of the Spar and this one, also, would not work.  Soooo, I ordered ANOTHER ONE from Van's and it arrived yesterday.

So, needless to say, I worked VERY SLOWLY on the third Rear Spar.  Finally, after.....awhile.....I finished the Rear Spar and claimed VICTORY.  This is the completed third Rear Spar clecoed to the Right Elevator Assembly.
I mentioned earlier, I trimmed too much off the second Spar and it would not work.  The circled area in the picture above is where I trimmed off to much. The #40 (silver cleco) holes need to be Match-Drilled to #30 per the plans.  After I trimmed to much of the Spar, I didn't have the appropriate edge distance for the way to "fix" that.  Anyway, I ordered the third Spar and concurred it tonight.  SMALL VICTORIES!

2nd:  Regarding the Trailing Edges, step #6 of the plans say:  "Use a belt sander to reduce the cross section of the outboard ends of the E-1423-L & R Trailing Edges to match the trailing edge thickness of the E-912 Elevator Tip Fairing".  It is supposed to look like this:

Let's just say, mine was similar.  After thinking about it for a few days, I ultimatley decided to order a new Trailing Edge because I wasn't happy with the results.  So, called Van's again and ordered a new E-01423 Trailing Edge.  I clecoed everything together, made the appropriate marks, and trimmed accordingly.   I used the same method I previously describe in Part 6 to machine countersink the #40 holes.  The completed countersinks in the new Trailing Edge are shown in the second picture below and they turned out just as good as the first one.

The only thing I have left to do on the Trailing Edges is use the belt sander to taper the outboard ends for the Elevator Tip Fairings.  That is on my to do list.  Other than that, I'm back to where I was befor the mistake.  BUILD ON!!