Monday, May 29, 2017

Empennage, Elevator (Part 11)

Yesterday, I marked and scuffed the Trim Tab Skins where the foam Ribs were installed.  Today, I marked and scuffed the four Elevator Skins and the two Rear Spars.  The right Elevator Skins are in the first picture and the left Elevator Skins are in the second.  The Skins and the Spars were scuffed and prepared as described in the plans.  
I forgot to show the Trim Tab Ribs yesterday, so here's a picture of the foam Elevator Trailing Edge Ribs.  Six of these Ribs will be installed in the right side of the Elevator and two in the left side (the Trim Tab will also be installed on the left side).  

I looked ahead in the plans and found the four E-910 Hinge Reinforcement Plates will be riveted to the Front Spars in the next few steps.  So, I prepared the pieces by cleaning the edges and deburred the holes.  I then gave the pieces a bath in Alumiprep and Alodine.   Here are two of the pieces hanging up to be dried.

 Then, ALL of the pieces of the Elevator got Alumiprep and Alodine baths.  The Rear Spars, Front Spars, Ribs, Inboard Tip Ribs, Outboard Tip Ribs, Shear Clips, Gussets, Reinforcement Doubler Brace, Root Ribs, and upper and lower Skins were all prepared.  Here are most of the parts hanging up to dry.