Friday, May 19, 2017

Empennage, Elevator (Part 5)

With my Stepdad's help this week, we covered a lot of ground.  While he was here, we were able to finish the Horizontal Stabilizer and Rudder that I've previously started and about 70% of the Elevator.  He was a HUGE help and I thank him for it!!!

Since Roger is leaving tomorrow, we only worked for a short time today.  Unlike the last several days, no major progress was made today.  We dimpled the attachment holes for seven of the K1100-06 Nutplates (five will be attached now, and the remaining two will be installed later).  After dimpling, the plans call for those Nutplates to be riveted to the Trim Access Reinforcement Doubler.  However, prior to doing that, I wanted to Alumiprep, Alodine, and Prime the Doubler.  Following that process, the Nutplates were riveted to the Doubler with AN426AD3-3.5 flush rivets.  

The Elevator Trim Pushrods parts (on the right below) and the Trim Tab Horns (on the left below) were marked and trimmed according to the diagrams in the plans.  The Trim Tab Horns were then dimpled.....and got Alumiprep, Alodine, and Priming.  The second picture below shows the finished Horns.

The Elevator Trim Pushrod parts are not in the second picture because I screwed them up.  The #40 holes should be countersunk to accept a AN426AD3 rivets.  I lost my concentration (also known as a brain fart) and mistakenly made the countersinks WAY to deep!  So, I called Van's and ordered a new piece.  I was lucky.....only a $7.25 mistake and the parts will be here in a few days.  

Anyway, that was it for today.  Thanks again to my Stepdad for all his help over the last week.  Hope to see him in the shop again soon.