Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Wings, Ailerons (Part 3)

During the last session, I separated the Main Ribs.  I started the prep process today.  I removed the protective plastic and cleaned all the edges.  After getting all the large burrs off with the 6” Scotchbrite Wheel (from where the pieces were connected), I found the easiest way for the finish sanding was to stick the sandpaper to the workbench and slide the pieces across the sandpaper instead of holding both pieces in my hands and sanding.

After cleaning the edges, the #40 holes were dimpled using my Substructure Dimple Dies and hand squeezer.  The next step was to countersink the six holes on the two A-1006-1B Outboard Hinge Brackets as shown in the plans excerpt below.  Now, here is a point of “confusion” for me.  In the plans excerpt, it shows the six holes on the bottom of the A-1005-1R Main Rib being dimpled (120 degree).  I’ve read the plans several times (maybe I just plain missed it), but I can’t find any mention of the dimpling of these holes in any of the steps in the plans.  Earlier in the plans, the #40 holes (which are on the Flanges) are dimpled, but the holes I’m referencing here are #30.  Anyway, I’m going to go ahead and dimple them as the illustration shows and go from there.

Here are the Main Ribs after being prepped (minus dimpling the #30 holes discussed above).

Lastly, the Inboard and Outboard Hinge Brackets were clecoed to their Main Ribs.  I’ll pick it up from here during the next session.