Sunday, June 23, 2019

Fuselage, MID Lower Structure (Part 27)

I was able to get some help installing the F-01404 Bulkhead to the F-01484 Center Bottom Skin.  The first five rivets get installed are shown at the bottom of the plans excerpt below with the heavy black circle around them.  Then, the Center Bottom Skin gets riveted to the Crotch Strap Assemblies, Seat Ribs, Inboard Seat Ribs, lower flange of the F-01405 Bulkhead Assembly, and Aft Gear Brace Assembly.

Of the 10 total Ribs, we were able to get the four Ribs highlighted below completed.....77 rivets total.  I am working from the center of the assembly outward toward the tips.   

To accomplish the riveting, I set up my two work tables next to each other with enough room to get my creeper in between the tables.  I then set the assembly on top of the tables as shown below.  Since all the other holes have clecoes installed, it sat pretty level and stable on the table.  I used rivet tape (scotch tape) to hold the rivets in place since they being installed “upward”.  My riveting buddy used the bucking bar on the top of the assembly between the Ribs.

*****4 Ribs down, 6 Ribs to go*****