Sunday, July 29, 2018

Wings, Fuel Tanks (Part 21)

In Parts 17 and 19, I installed/riveted and prosealed the 11 Stiffeners, the Fuel Cap Flange, and the Fuel Drain Flange for the Left Fuel Tank.  During this session, I installed/riveted the same pieces, but for the Right Fuel Tank.

In Part 20, I taped off the areas surrounding where the Stiffeners would be riveted.  In the picture below, I have removed the tape and all 11 Stiffeners are shown riveted and prosealed into place.  Additionally, the Fuel Drain Flange in the lower left corner of the Skin has been riveted and prosealed. 

I used the same sized rivets to install the right Fuel Cap Flange as I did on the left.  The two sizes of rivets used are AN426AD3-4.5 (x6) and AN426AD3-5 (x4).

Here is the final product with all 10 rivets installed and excess proseal removed.