Tonight, I started dimpling the Left Fuel Tank Skin. To start, I dimpled the #19 holes (#8 screw holes) around the outside edges of the Skin. The plans state:
“Dimple the screw holes in the fuel tank skins using the C-frame tool and a hammer rather than forming them with a rivet squeezer. This will result in “crisper”, better looking skin dimples”.
Well, I don’t have a C-frame dimpled because I purchased the DRDT-2 dimpler when I started the project. So, I decided to use my pneumatic squeezer to dimple the #8 screw holes. Below, you can see the top row of rivets on both sides of the Fuel Tank Skin have already been dimpled.
I dimpled all the #8 rivet holes in the Left Fuel Tank Skin and several #40 holes I could reach with the 3” yoke on my pneumatic squeezer. During the next session, I will use the DRDT-2 to finish dimpling the remaining holes in the Skin.