Monday, January 6, 2020

Fuselage, Baggage Area (Part 2)

Rather short session today, but continued making progress on the Baggage Area.....I began the prep work on the F-01447-L Baggage Floor.  To start, all the holes were deburred in the Baggage Floor.  Next, the #30 and #40 holes along the inboard and forward edges were dimpled using my hand squeezer.  Most of the #40 holes will be used for nutplate attachment and the #30 holes will be used to attach the Baggage Floor to the Ribs below. 

During the next session, I will need to clean the edges, treat with Alumiprep and Alodine and spray them with Akzo Prime.  Once all that is done, several nutplates will need to be installed along the edges that received dimples.