Sunday, January 5, 2020

Fuselage, Baggage Area (Part 1)

As I mentioned, I’m waiting for some riveting help to finish the Aft Fuselage Attachment (Section 30) and I’m waiting for the RV-14 Cabin Fuel Line Kit from Aircraft Specialty to work on the Fuel System (Section 31).  So, in the meantime, I will start work on the Baggage Area.

To start the section, six F-01447B Seatback Hinges had to be fabricated from AN257-P3 Piano Hinge.  The plans excerpt below shows the dimensions of each of the six Hinges.

Here are the six Hinges fabricated from the AN257-P3.  Each one of the Hinges has a #30 locating hole drilled in each end and a blue centerline marked lengthwise.

Three of the Seatback Hinges were clecoed to the F-01447-L Baggage Floor and three of the Seatback Hinges were clecoed to the F-01447-R Baggage Floor using the previously drilled locating holes.  The blue centerline drawn on the six Hinges were centered in the prepunched holes in the Baggage Floor and match-drilled #30.  Pictured below is the three Hinges match-drilled to the right side Baggage Floor.

Once all six Hinges were completed, they were marked, removed and had the holes deburred.  They will now be set aside for use later in the build.