Section 40A, Tricycle Landing Gear and Engine Mount obviously covers the installation of the Landing Gear and Engine Mount on the tricycle RV-14A. So, we will not be using this section for our tail dragger version RV-14.
The two pictures below are the U-01418 INDB Wheel Fairing Brackets. I had these parts for about three weeks before they started showing signs of corrosion. So, I needed to remedy that problem. The Bracket on the left shows the beginning of the corrosion I found and the Bracket(s) and the one on the right shows it after I cleaned it up. I used my Angle Grinder and 2” Fiber Discs to remove the corrosion.
Here are both Brackets after being cleaned of all corrosion. I also countersunk the four nutplate attach holes on each Bracket. You can see the eight holes below on the Bracket flanges.