This work session was completed on April 30, 2021
The next step in the process is the assemble the wheels and tires. The three “pieces” for each Wheel Assembly came from Van’s in the Finishing Kit as shown below. This was my first time doing this, so Jeff (my A&P buddy) showed me how to go it correctly. The plans also provide VERY good instruction on how to do it also.
1. U 55-204 Wheels from Groove Aircraft Landing Gear Systems Inc (x2)
2. U 5.00x5-6 Aero Classic Tires (x2)
3. U 5.00x5-6IT Inner Tubes (x2)
To begin, the bearings were removed from the Main Wheel Assembly as illustrated below (excerpt from the Van’s plans). Once separated, I greased the bearings and re-installed them by reversing the step below.
(Excerpt from the Van’s RV-14 Builder Plans)
Next, the the Main Wheel Assembly was split in half by removing the three bolts holding them together as illustrated below (excerpt from the Van’s plans).
(Excerpt from the Van’s RV-14 Builder Plans)
The Main Wheel Assembly was put back together with the tire and tube in place and torque to 90 in lbs (as indicated on the inside of one of the wheel halves). The tire was inflated to 25 psi (and deflated) to make sure the tube wasn’t getting pinched and inflated to it’s final pressure of 40 psi. Here is the “outside” of the completed Main Wheel Assembly.....
.....the “inside” of the Main Wheel Assembly.....
.....and both together.

Session Total: 1.5 / Tail Dragger Landing Gear & Engine Mount Total: 3.6