Monday, June 14, 2021

Finishing, Tail Dragger Landing Gear and Engine Mount (Part 8)

In this session, we installed the two U-01439 Gear Leg Caps.  (In Part #4, you can see what is underneath these Caps).  I prepared the two aluminum parts like all the rest.....sanded the edges, treated them with Alumiprep/Alodine and sprayed them with Akzo primer.

Once the primer on the two Caps was dry, they were installed on the Engine Mount as shown in the pictures below.  For the installation:

1.  The Caps were placed as close to the center of the hole on the Engine Mount as I could get them
2.  The perimeter of the Caps were traced onto the Engine Mount and removed
3.  Clear silicone was applied to the Engine Mount inside the traced circle (minus a small gap at the most bottom point of the hole - to allow expanding air in the Gear Leg to escape during ascent Van’s says)
4.  The Caps were then replaced and pressed into place