This work session was completed on April 30, 2021.
With engine mount installed in the previous session, we can now put on some legs!!!!
As it turned out, the sawhorses I had the Fuselage sitting on (for a long time) were to short to allow the U-01413 Main Gear Leg to be inserted into the FF-01401 Engine Mount. So, I used and engine jack and some straps to lift it the extra height needed to clear the ground. This picture shows what that looked like. Even though the Fuselage was lifted by the jack and was clear of the sawhorses, I left them in place....just in case.....a six inch fall would be better than a two or three foot fall (I guess).
After following the instructions in the plans fabricating drift pins (to line stuff up), reaming holes (Gear Leg and Engine Mount) and applying grease (to areas not powder coated), the left Main Gear Leg is shown below final installed. I was surprised at how easily the Main Gear Leg went into the Engine Mount. After my “battle” with the tail spring, I guess I was expecting a harder time. It fit perfectly. At the end of the Gear Leg is the U-01421-L Gear Axle Fitting which is attached with only ONE (1) NAS1306-25 close tolerance bolt. The Main Gear Leg is also only attach with ONE (1) NAS1306-38 close tolerance bolt to the Engine Mount.
Here is the right Main Gear Leg attached the same way as the left side.

This is the best shot I could get of both Main Gear Legs. Getting closer to standing on its own two feet (or tires)!f