Saturday, June 12, 2021

Lycoming YIO-390-A3B6 Engine Delivered

Our Engine was delivered today (June 6th actually)!!!!!  So, exciting!!!!!

FedEx Freight delivered our engine to the hangar today with this gigantic truck.  Funny thing......our engine was the ONLY thing in the trailer!

As the previous engine post stated when we placed the order, we decided on the “standard or regular” IO-390.  According to Lycoming, they call this engine a YIO-390-EXP60 and this is how it was shipped from Lycoming.  When it was ordered, I requested it be packed with preservative oil because I wasn’t sure exactly when the engine would be installed......better safe than sorry was my approach here. 

As it turns out, Van’s says the Firewall Forward Kit has a lead time of approximately 2-3 months, so good call on the engine preservation.  However, the exhaust system is projected to take 6 MONTHS!  I will definitely have to look into other exhaust systems.....Vetterman, Power Flow, etc.

Anyway, we will start the install when the Firewall Forward Kit arrives.  

The work sessions/posts regarding the installation of the engine will be covered in Section 43, Engine Installation.